Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Day 16 - Freedom to... Lay Around

So with Koda's new "all of the downstairs" freedom, what does he do? Run randy through the kitchen and living room? No. He settles in near the front entry way, right by front door windows - so he can watch the comings and goings of the neighborhood. I suppose it is the most interesting place to be, to wile away hours and hours of the day.

And if not poised for the best neighborhood watch, he just stretches out in our unfurnished formal living room. I'm glad he's not hyperactive and roving all over the place. With the exception of being able to go upstairs, this is pretty much normal daily activity for him - alternating between various napping spots.

Speaking of stairs, we've blocked them with the baby gate secured by bungee cords to the banister. And the towel is to discourage curiosity and temptation. We figure if he can't see through the baby gate or up the stairs, he will be less likely to try any jumping husky stunts. It's imperative that Koda have absolutely no access to stairs.

The fuzzy Husky undercoat is growing back on his thigh. The skin is dark, almost black, and the fur comes with hints of his final coloring. It feels like fleece now. He seems to like it when I rub his outer legs with some degree of firmness, stretching and flexing this leg.

And at Day 16, here's what the incision looks like with the stitches removed. It's quite amazing that such a long cut heals so fast! Dr. Munjar said the bumpiness will smooth over time. I suppose once a full coat of fur grows in, there will be very little visual evidence of surgery on this leg.

Koda has stopped licking that red, raw spot now. So it probably was the suture knots that bugged him. I'm pretty sure he's not licking anything anymore, now that all the stitches are out and the initial fur growth has come in. His recovery is going well!

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