Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day 8 Post-Op - Bad Koda!

This is Koda after being scolded... after he tried to jump up on the rock terrace... Very bad dog! After peeing, he took two steps and tried to leap up with me holding onto the other end of a 6-foot leash. He didn't make it up and landed on his back legs. Ouch! He sat down for a few minutes - probably because it hurt. I don't know what possessed him to try a daredevil stunt like that.

Luckily, he was happy to get up and limp back into the house. He wasn't any more lame than he had been during his recovery. But I was worried that maybe he did some internal damage to the bone - which is still setting and healing. I called the vet, and they asked if Koda was walking on it (yes) and if he was still taking the anti-inflammatory meds (yes). They said he probably didn't do any damage, but if he started to NOT walk on it, or if it looked swollen, to bring him in for Xrays. They also offered to prescribe some sedatives, because as dogs begin to feel better, they get squirrely.
I just might get some of those for him...

On a more pleasant note, Koda got his first "Get Well" card - from my nephew, Azi. That was so sweet of my sister to send a card! She's really thoughtful like that.

The front shows a cat offering a bone to a dog laying on a sofa
and says, "Since you can't dig up your own..."

On the inside, Azi drew a bone and a hunk of cheese and wrote, "Bone for You... cheese for you... Love From Azariah... Loves for you... I Love You... Yes, you doggie Koda."

So sweet!!! This just made my day!

Other than the heart-stopping drama Koda put me through this morning, the rest of the day was uneventful. Koda really loves hanging outside, dozing in the sun. So I secured a 10-foot steel cable to a tree and his leash and let him relax on the deck. He can't go further than the deck and toward the sliding door to the house, and I can keep a watchful eye on him from the kitchen. I suppose the ever-changing breeze—with scents from afar—keep him from being too bored.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see his stitching looking healed every day, and he looks much happier :-) I know it must have made you sooo nervous, but if he thinks he could possibly attempt to leap, I guess that's a good sign of recovery! Hopefully he didn't damage anything tho.
    I love your nephew's card!! so cute!
