Saturday, March 20, 2010

Day 5 Post-Op - Standing On Four Legs

Saturday morning, I left my husband in charge of Koda Care for the morning. (I have a standing weekend long run with a girl friend.) I left detailed instructions for hubby and hoped for good news when I returned a few hours later.

Standing on all FOUR legs now!

Apparently, Koda was feeling quite frisky, playful and mischievous. I found out that the two "cheesy treats" - filled with Codeine and the antibiotic - were flat out rejected. Koda spit them out and refused to eat the cheese chunks. I wonder if he wised-up to our deceptive ploy. And I also found out he didn't want any of his breakfast - hopping away from the offered bowl, towards the corners of his corralled area. This is the first time he refused both treats and his food, since the surgery. He also refused to do any potty.

I thought his behavior might have to do with me not doing the honors, as dogs like routines. So I made up another couple of cheesy treats, (I had to dump the other doses of meds, now soggy) and offered them to Koda. He spit them out. So we had to do things the "hard way."

Giving Meds the Hard Way:
In obedience class, the instructor taught us how to give medication in the event that a sick or older dog was not eating. You basically open his mouth, drop the pills into the back of his throat, hold his muzzle shut with one hand and stroke his throat with downward gestures until he swallows. Pills down!

Half and hour later, he was crying, so I took him outside. He did two gigantic poops and a long pee. That might explain why he didn't want to eat any food or treats! And as you can see, he is able to squat—using his Bionic Leg—to do his business.

He is starting to use his leg to walk now, instead of just three legs. He steps with it and gingerly puts just a tiny bit of weight on it. But when he is standing, he prefers to stand on just three legs. But when he does place the fourth leg, he is no longer just "toe touching" but placing his pads down.

Also, the Bionic Leg is markedly less red and bruised-looking. The swelling is going down too, but there is still a golf-ball sized amount of fluid around his ankle. But overall, the leg is looking better and better.

Enjoying another sunny day on the deck.

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you how invaluable this blog has been leading up to my dog's TPLO surgery and now during post op and recovery. The photos are great, and this morning when she flat-out refused her breakfast (on Day 6), I was able to stay calm, knowing that Koda did the same thing around the same time. Again, thank you so much.
