Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Day 15 - Walking In, Stitches Out

Well, here we are at progress checkpoint no. 1 - Koda's 2-week post-op appointment and getting his stitches out. It was also his first car ride in two weeks, so that in of itself was pretty exciting. (And he got to sniff and leave pee-mail somewhere else besides our backyard - exciting day, indeed.) Check out how well Koda's walking now!

When we arrived at the vet office, Koda was eager to go behind "the magic door" again. I guess in his mind, experiences with the surgeon and vet techs are not something to be dreaded. A technician took Koda back and removed all the stitches. I mentioned the bumps on his arm and where the suture knots were.

Koda gimped back out to me in good spirits.

Dr. Munjar came out to discuss Koda's progress. Everything looked good. I was just to put topical ointments on his arm (hydrocortisone for itchiness) and the suture site (Neosporin). He explained that Koda walks with his Bionic Leg "splayed out" because of atrophy in that quadricep muscle. But gradual exercise would build it back up.

New Activity:
We were told that Koda could now have access to the entire downstairs floor - he could "integrate with the family" as Dr. Munjar phrased. And Koda was now allowed 5-10 minute on-leash wander-around-the-backyard sessions, 3-4 times a day. (Which would be great, if only it would stop raining.)

The next 5 weeks would be limited to this new activity. The bone is not completely healed by any means, so it is still critical to restrict activity, including no stairs. Our next appointment is at the 7 week mark, during which new Xrays will be taken to see if the bone has fused properly.

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