Sunday, April 4, 2010

Weekend 3 - Stairs & Set-backs

I suppose everyone gets tempted. After 3 weeks of not being allowed upstairs (where Koda used to sleep in our master bedroom), he succumbed to the siren's call of STAIRS.
"Come up! Come up!"
she called.

We just went out to get some pizza and based on Koda's track record of good behavior, we continued to let him have the entire downstairs floor to roam around as he pleased. We just barricaded the staircase. He had never seemed interested, nor tried to jump up on the baby gates to get a look beyond, so we thought we could trust him.

We were wrong.

When we came home, we were greeted by a happy 3-legged hippity-hoppity dog! O.M.G.!!! What happened?!?! Even his first day after surgery, he was not hiking his leg up like this - refusing to place ANY weight at all on the re-hab'ing leg.

I was completely distraught. The only explanation was that he got bored and without watchful eyes around, attempted to jump the barricade and climb the stairs. What if he'd fallen on the stairs?!? What if he damaged the still-healing bone?!? What if? What if?

I had to call the surgeon on his cell phone at 9pm, the night before Easter! He told me to ice pack Koda's leg and he'd call in a prescription for Rimadyl (anti-inflammatory) for us to pick up in the morning. He assured me that unless there was bruising on the leg, probably no major damage was done - that this would only be a set-back for Koda's recovery.

On Sunday, we decided to play it safe and locked Koda up in his kennel while we went to church. He sometimes sleeps in it, but never with the gate in place. So this would be new for him (at home). At the boarding camp he goes to, he sleeps in a kennel, so this whole experience should not be unfamiliar to him. Knowing he would be out of trouble for a few hours, we could have some peace. Being confined would also restrict his activity, allowing his injured leg (and still-good leg) to rest.

Lesson learned: Huskies are not completely trust-worthy. Ha!

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