Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 30 - Almost Normal

Well, not much to report. It's been about one month since Koda's surgery. I suppose this is the long, boring, uneventful part of the recovery process. While the bone is healing inside, there are not many changes happening visually - other than watching his walk. He is walking with normal alignment and weight placement on both hind legs now. He does appear a bit "creaky" when he first wakes up, but the knee joint loosens up and he moves around the house almost as normal as he did before.

The fur is really thickening up.

Of course, he doesn't have his agility and quick responsiveness back yet. But he tries. He gets excited and sometimes gallops over when I call him. And he does some backwards leap-frogging when he knows treats are about to be doled out. The sparkle is back in his eyes when it's treat time. But we try to keep him calm to prevent any twists or pivoting on that Bionic Leg.

Koda spends his days mostly in the front room, dozing off or looking out the window. Which is what he used to do before the surgery - napping either there or upstairs. So this part of his life is back to routine. But when I open the front door for him to get a few nostrilfuls of the outdoor breeze, I can tell he really misses being outside and taking walks. It will be 4 more weeks before we can venture out for real "walkies" - as we call them.

His incision has healed up perfectly. The hair is growing right over and you can barely feel the scar tissue. He doesn't mind being pet there.

Standing on his still naked-looking "turkey" leg. I hadn't realized how thin his legs are until you take away all that fur. Huskies have a good inch and a half of insulation just from fur!

Stay tuned and check in with us next week. Hopefully I'll have some more video, which is more interesting for seeing progress.

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