Monday, April 26, 2010

6 Weeks Post-Op - Goofing Around

Koda is walking close to normal these days and feeling spry enough to fetch treats. He is three-quarters of the way through the bone-healing phase (which is 8 weeks). This past week, I could sense that he considers the less-agile leg a bit of a hindrance to unleashing his new-found energy. He walks steady, pivots & turns, and sometimes breaks into a gallop when he gets really excited. (We have to discourage that for now.) There has been a definite shift in his demeanor. He is noticeably in a better mood (tail wagging), much more energetic and playful. Up until this point, he had no interest in playing with his toys...


But when we finally gave him Monkey back to play with, he wasted no time in gutting the stuffed primate and beheading him. He seemed quite satisfied with that play session. The head was easier to fit in his mouth without the dangling body, too.

"Well, yes... the head *DID* come off."

Next, we started testing out the roll-up ramp we bought from Ramps4Paws. It was pricey ($209 on sale!), but we don't want to risk any damage to his knee jumping in or out of the cargo area of our SUV during his recovery or going forward. So we did a little training to get him familiar with it, followed by copious amounts of praise. He is still not allowed to climb any stairs (so yes, this means we are still sleeping on a sofa & air mattress at Camp Koda).

Here is 6 weeks' worth of fur growth. The fur on the previously-shaved foot/ankle is now almost blended into his foot fur. And the fuzzy undercoat is getting thicker by the day. But it will still be a few weeks (heading into summer, how ironic) before he has a full coat on that leg.

In the meantime, Monkey had some radical, life-saving surgery of his own. P painstakingly re-stuffed and stitched the dismembered limbs and head back together. We are going to let Monkey "recover" a bit more before playing with Koda. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Poor Koda! He had to have ACL surgery too! :( It's nice to see him tearing it up again. He looks like he's doing well! -JL
