Sunday, July 17, 2011

A pretty-good eating day for Koda

In the morning Koda comes over to my side of the bed, just as I'm stirring awake. He wants affection, pushing his face into my hand as I stroke his forehead and face. It's an intimate time for both of us. After a few moments, he just lays down beside the bed until I get up. I am going to miss this routine so much.

Around noon, I was able to successfully give him a Tramadol-filled cheese treat, Rimadyl and 3/4 C. of kibble... and a chicken treat. His appetite is pretty good and he is more alert these past two days. Very happy about being able to get in both meds without any rejection. He'll feel better for the rest of the day because of it. He's not coughing. He still hesitates when he looks up the stairs - where I know he wants to go. But he's is unsure and I tell him "uh-uh" and he goes to lay in his crate instead. Good dog. He actually "self-regulates" pretty well.

I got him good and hungry by watching me eat dinner first, while slipping him bits of warm chicken. That seems to really whet his appetite. He pretty much finished his entire bowl of raw food, with some stern coaxing from me and the promise of cheddar cheese. I'm starting to think standing to finish his entire meal must hurt, because he leaves to go sit down. But after a minute, I can call him back to his feeding station and he will keep eating. I have to spoon feed him towards the end. But at least I got the food into him. He was very eager to get those cheesy chunks - and the Tramadol-filled one went down the hatch without him being suspicious. I hope this cheese disguise lasts forever. He also got 1/2 a string cheese and a chicken treat.

Today was a "good eating day." I might as well feed him as much as he can handle now, because he will eventually lose his desire to eat and start wasting away. So sad. I'm not looking forward to that.

Monday appointment at the Holistic Vet is in the morning. Can't wait to find out what we can do to help Koda!

1 comment:

  1. I love the way you described the morning routine. It reminds me petting Carrot in the AM.

