Thursday, July 14, 2011

I am still in shock

I am still in shock. And relaying the bad news to family and friends has rendered me a useless, soggy, tear-soaked mess. I'm even crying on Koda when I pet him. The response from people has been so supportive and loving. I am really touched by the outpouring.

Jackie came over around 7pm. She brought over a gift of chicken jerky from Costco for Koda (and ice cream for us). So nice of her! Koda was in great spirits when Jackie came through the door. He was wagging his tail and seemed very excited to have company. The 4 of us (Jackie, Perry, Koda & I) went on a walk, more like a leisurely "stroll & sit" outing, as I am calling them now. We managed to walk to the "condo circle" on Del Monte.
There was lots of stopping and sitting, but also spurts of very fast trotting. Quite amazing, and I cherish those moments. Koda was happy and alert.

When we got back, we fed him 3 chicken treats and tried to get him to eat some raw meat smoothie. He had a few slurps, then walked away. Jackie had similar luck.

Later, I just plain spoiled Koda. String cheese, doggie cookies, Orijen kibble and then, vanilla ice cream. I hoped he wouldn't get an upset tummy and barf it all up. I managed to give sneak a Tramadol in a chunk of cheese - but I know he will get wise to that trick soon and we'll have to use the less pleasant man-handling method to get medications into him. He hates it. And I hate doing it.

The day ended well, even though Koda really struggled to get up the stairs at night.

Now I understand what the care-takers of terminally-ill people mean when they say, "There are good days and bad days. Today was a good day."

1 comment:

  1. Looks like my comment didn't post last time. Here it goes again... It was awesome to see Koda as his ole curious self and I felt how hard he must be trying seeing that he needed to sit often. Overall, I'm glad I can see him happy, wandering, and even able to give Perry extra chores that day. :)

