Friday, July 15, 2011

I finally stopped crying

I'm finally able to stop crying. I think I'm freaking Koda out and he can sense that something is terribly wrong. We (I) are not acting normal.

Lorinda from Double Dog Ranch sent me an email about a client who boards with them, and her dog "Carmen". Her Carmen was diagnosed with metastasized lung cancer and was only given 6 months to live. She started Chinese herbal treatment and other holistic methods and miraculously extended Carmen's life by 6 YEARS! She said the cancer eventually did spread, but she lived so much longer.

I was floored. And hopeful.

I put a call into the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM) and also looked up a local holistic veterinarian. I found one and made an appointment. We are going to get a consultation from Dr. Bob Ulbrich of the Holistic Pet Vet Clinic on Monday. I'm hoping he can prescribe and provide us with a cocktail of herbs that will help Koda's immune system fight the cancer, slow the cancer spread and hopefully increase his quality of life and time left with us. It seems kinda New Age-y, but I am willing to try it. It is non-invasive, non-stressful for Koda and low risk. And it doesn't cost as much as surgery or chemotherapy.

I also found the blog post by a man who's Miracle Pooch "Chuck" experienced the same life-extending effects by using Chinese herbs. His German Shephard/Rhodesian Ridgeback mix was already 9 years old when he was diagnosed with bone and lung cancer. With his owner's TLC and holistic treatments, this dog really defied the odds. He lived 5 years longer! All the way to 14 years old! Which is a long time for even a healthy, large-breed dog!

So I have hope. There must be something in these herbs that can help dogs with cancer.

In the meantime, Koda slept all day (which I forgot he always did when he was healthy too). In the afternoon, I managed to play "kibble toss" with him and got in a Rimadyl, 1/2 C. of kibble and some water.

In the evening, Emily came over and Koda was very excited and happy to have company again. We went for another "stroll & sit" session. He drank a lot at one of the neighbor's water bowls. He did pretty well walking, but only did one spurt of fast trotting. He made it back home with good pep.

Koda did a "good finish" with his raw food for dinner. He got a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a chicken treat afterward. I'm relieved that he ate the raw food. It's going to be a challenge to keep weight on him. So we are doing what we can to feed him lots while he still has an appetite - well, without him getting upset tummy, because he'd only be too enthusiastic to eat tons of treats if we let him.

Epic Fail with Peanut Butter
Perry and I tried to give him a Tramadol crushed in a teaspoon of peanut butter, using the "hard way" method. Koda sputtered and spit out all over the place. I think I only got about half a pill's worth into his system. So much for peanut butter. He's going to associate it with bad things from now on.

He was able to come up the stairs pretty well that night. I gave him a chicken treat in the bedroom - which he ate enthusiastically.

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